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Get To Know

Starting with personalized orders for each customer, Steel Crazy Iron Art began to develop a variety of different products that fit a variety of passions. Currently they have close to 20 different product lines that include hundreds of each piece.

Using AutoCAD to design each piece, we cut the pieces out of steel with a waterjet, or plasma cutter. Then, each piece is hand-polished and torched by our veteran staff. Finally, the pieces are powder-coated and baked in the oven.


The finished product is what you see in our catalog: Beautifully hand crafted works of art that inspire and satisfy every customer we've encountered. If you want your passion realized in polished, powder-coated steel, then contact Steel Crazy Iron Art to place an order today!


For over 25 years Ed Hogle & Brian Hogle have been working in the steel and construction industry. In 2004, they decided to take their skills into the artistic arena. Starting with exterior design work for homes and businesses, they soon realized that people love to see their passions actualized into polished, powder-coated steel.


70 Tonawanda St,

Buffalo,NY 14207

(716) 876-7510

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